Hamdon Youth & Family Centre
Contact: [email protected]
Website: www.hamdonyouthcentre.co.uk
Where we are
You can find us in West Street opposite the Recreation Ground. The building was purchased in 2018 by the Parish Council on behalf of the village following a successful Community Right to Bid and is a wonderful example of people power, energy and vision. It is one of only 12 successful Community Right to Bid purchases since the Localism Act in 2011, and its purchase prevented it being converted into residential user. The building was formerly a Methodist Church constructed in 1909 by local residents and it’s great that it now continues to be a community venue in our village.
The Centre opened on a limited basis in April 2019, and following Listed Building Consent in 2020, is now being converted into a fully functional recreational Centre with a new kitchen, office, large front hall, and additional toilets including disabled facilities. For the first time in our village’s history, young people now have their own place to meet and to call their own. Under the terms of the sale the Centre can only be hired out for the use of children’s activities
Who runs the Centre?
The Centre is run by a village charity – the Hamdon Youth & Family Centre Trust which is a Charitable Incorporated Trust (“CIO”). A representative of each regular user group is encouraged to join the management committee as a Trustee so that users have a real practical say in how the Centre is run and developed. A truly user-led venue.
The Centre complements other village venues, such as the Memorial Hall, Stoke Working Men's Club and All Saints Hall, where mainly adult activities take place. The Centre receives an annual operating grant from the Parish Council.
What activities are there?
Initial groups using the Centre are currently:-
Youth Group - Monday evenings
Brownies – Tuesday evenings
Blackrock Irish Dancers – Saturday morning
Once the building is fully converted, we expect the number of groups to increase with a wide range of activities on offer from ages 0 to 18.
Cost of hire
The current hourly rate to hire is £9 for Stoke groups. Heating and electricity is included.