Transport Strategy Group
The Parish Council has formed a Transport Strategy Working Group which is made up of councillors and residents. The Group is looking at various issues of concern relating to traffic speed, parking, highway signs, road and pavement condition, drainage and road lining. The Transport Strategy Group are gathering data on speed throughout the village via our Speed Indicator Device (SID) and carrying out surveys on parking and infrastructure issues so the Parish Council can help to meet the needs of our residents by possibly get a reduced speed limit and/or traffic calming measures.
Residents of Stoke sub Hamdon are welcome to join the Transport Strategy Group. Please contact the Parish Clerk for more details.
Several concerns have been raised about vehicle speed, parking and infrastructure. The Parish Council has been working on compiling data on speeding via our Speed Indicator Device (SID), and our Transport Strategy Group has already been looking at the various issues and is currently compiling a report on all areas of the village.
We would like to hear from you of your concerns, whether big or small, on traffic speed, parking, infrastructure. We invite you to let us know what you would like us to investigate to effect change in our village. When making your comments please say which part of the village is affected so that we can ascertain where the troublesome areas are.
Please email your comments to our Parish Clerk on [email protected]